OH by the way, this blog is temporarily on hold as I post on my MUSIC BLOG! =D
Hrmm I realized all my posts since like, I started posting again have all been about music. >< Seriously consider setting up a music blog, watch this space.
But ANYWAY, since my first line has already the word 'music' in it, the rest will too! X) YES, its another music post, about TWO CDs this time: Delta Goodrem's Delta, and All Time Low's Put Up or Shut Up EP, which is not very new, but hey, whatever goes for me. X)
Now, down to the first one, Delta Goodrem's Delta. Well, the first thing i noticed about it is that its rather loong. Long for my tastes, anyway. 12 bloody songs! >< But well, on my second run through the CD, i realised i haven't skipped a single song yet.
On more careful listening, most of the songs were based on a piano, or some poppy beat to it. Then i realised, it has a wide range of sounds in just this one album, which was pretty good, I suppose.
So by now you should have noticed I don't have much to say about this CD. I have no idea why either. =S songs to listen out for if you're getting it: In This Life, Possesionless ( BEST SONG IN THE WHOLE ALBUM), Woman, God Laughs, You Will Only Break into My Heart. Yup.
But now, about All Time Low. In a word: Genius. Thats probably because theres only 7 songs, but hey, whatever, every song is pretty memorable, though as always, the ones near the top of the list stick in my head better. >< But anyway, every song is good and worthy to be a single. Everything is just...good. So yup. Thats done for this post!
Hey all, downloaded 2 albums just yesterday. Well technically one album and one EP, but nevermind that! the album is Goodbye Blues by The Hush Sound, and the EP is I-can't-remember-what by Sing it Loud!
Sing it Loud sounds so common, standard pop rock band haha. But the Hush Sound is special. All their songs have this very bluesy, jazzy feel to it. Very unique sound, and as such they are very cool. (=
I feel baaaad
I'm sorryy
I'm not good
I wanna sleep. X)
Edit: This is has no meaning and is absolutely for fun okayy.
ilikesmallfonts. X)
Random song lyrics!
When its time to feel the void
My whole life has been destroyed
And everyone around me says my time is running out
I refuse to surrender
I refuse to surrender!!
Hey all this is a completely long and overdue post which should came came 2 months ago! But whatever haha. ( NOTE: THIS IS A MUSIC POST)
So yes, what I will be doing is basically listing all the most awesome songs which I heard since the last time I didn't post! So yes. I downloaded 2 albums between now and then, namely My American Heart's The Meaning in Makeup and The Almost's Southern Weather. Oh, and just today I bought Delta Goodrem's new album I can't remember the name of, which I will be posting about later since I just put it into my com. Like, JUST.
BUT ANYWAY, firstly about the My American Heart album, The Meaning in Makeup! There was only one reason i downloaded it, for the really cool song How Dirty Boys Get Clean, and other than a few other songs which are like barely memorable ( Runaway, In Between, thats about it), How Dirty Boys Get Clean remains the only reason I even LISTEN to My American Heart. All the songs have similiar druggy guitar riffs, all have darkdark lyrics and tunes, all are boring. Ohwell that was put so meanly. ><
However, The Almost's album is a completely different story altogether. I can list almost every song (the titles are very long so I shan't bother; I remember only fragments of the titles anyway.) Even though the genre is very apparent ( alternative rock in the breed similiar to Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, but happier), every song is somehow different. In fact, theres been different periods of time where I've been listening more to different songs in the same album. Its that good. Really recommend it, everyone go torrent it, the seed count for most of the torrents are pretty fast. ><
Then of course,there are the few songs which I got yesterday, and added with 1 or 2 others, make up my Most Favourite Songs of All Time.
They are, in no order of merit:
What Sarah Said - Death Cab for Cutie
We Intertwined - The Hush Sound
Heart in a Cage - The Strokes
White Lines and Red Lights - Between the Trees
You are the Moon - The Hush Sound ( HAHA YES THEM AGAINNNN)
Especially the last 2 songs. Those 2 were the ones that kept my up latelate into last night and early into this morning. Its kind of hard to describe those 2, their just indescribable. >< YES THEY ARE THAT GOOD.
OH and a very promising song that just very barely didnt make the list: Poison Kiss by The Last Goodnight. A bit mainstream, but hell, its awesome as well.
Well I'm done here. Going to pull off the biggest stunt of my life tomorrow. Wish me luck.
Hrmm I am now in LA(B) lesson. Kinda boring, the teacher isn't making things better. =/ But oh well to pass time ( and my laptop battery. Its running low! ><), heres a recap of all the things I've done this hol, which just ended yesterday T_T.
First thing I actually remember doing was debate camp! Rather fun camp, with 3 debates in all. Only spoke in 2 of them, but I thought overall I did pretty well, and thats something to be proud of. XD Haha the Orchard thing on the second day was rather fun, with a good Jap lunch and having Tommy write " Hook me up 10 cents" on his arm! Haha, shops like House of Condoms. >< Very fun. Third day, with the exhibition debate about Santa and little kids or something like that ( can't really remember), was very interesting too.
The next thing I remember doing was going to Vivo with Teckwei, Zhuo Rong and Delia! Watched Accuracy of Death, where (APPARENTLY) I posted too much on the movie which wasn't worth that many words! But I thought it was good, so X) Secret Recipe plus Ben and Jerrys! Haha fun.
Next thing was the week of going out! Haha firstly with Zhuo Rong , and then the person who starts with the letter M. (= Drum Mania, Guitar Freak, and Mario Kart! Yay. PLus Guitar Hero after that. (= Muhaha Miss Murder and Reptilia! YAYYYYYY.
Then after that was umm.... that post debate camp thing the next week with Walter, Max, Kegan ( Back from Malaysia YAY) , Nigel, Wesley. Other people came, but they ditched, so oh well. ><><>< Indian poker + Family Guy HAHA.
OH well gonna end off here.
MARIO KART OWNS. X) So does Drum Mania. the bunny button game I can't remember the name of, and Guitar Freak. XD Very much more fun to play when you have more money. =D Thanks for sponsoring! You know who you are.
Other than that, been randomly going around, and looking at random shops. Again. Oh well. ><
Short post. huh.
Hey all again, I'm actually posting with some frequency now. But thats gonna change when school starts. Grr.
Anyway, went out yesterday! Went to eat at the relatively cheap Jap place with free flow ice cream, coffee and drinks. Its at Dhoby Ghaut MRT, for those who're cheapskate like me =X So yes, after that went around plaza, commenting on different stuff in different shops.Oh wait that was before lunch. After lunch we HIT THE ARCADE MUHAHAHA. I OWN AT MARIO KART X). But sadly i coudn't play the guitar-hero-like game there. Nevermind, gonna own it tomorrow. X))
So yes, here're some random pictures taken over the course of the holidays. Was at the miniature shop and took a picture of it. Lelouch!
Aaaand this is Cloud.
DIdn't know Naruto used a SWORD. o_0
Haha this was at an exhibition at Plaza, it was a bug exhibition. And this was their model for an 8 legged insect. Too bad 2 of the legs were broken.><
Haha so thats all I have. Going out again tomorrow. X) Bye all.